Heaven is Real

All true ecstacy is sexual ecstacy. The Cumbrian School’s faculty has been chosen from the finest “ecstacy-engineeers” that the Cult of Venus has to offer. Click below to read a profile of sample priestess-witches and their areas of expertise!

Lady Amelia Haversham is the headmistress of the Cumbria School of the Cult of Venus. Her hobbies include stallion-breaking, hypnosis, and writing erotic fiction. Her books are available in most online outlets.

Dr. Nadia Adamescu, is a former Olympic gymnast and present boy molester. She is head of the physical education department at the School.

Professor Helen Worthington is the School’s chief historian. She is a certified Level Three witch-enslaver with a specialty in istilling foot and leg fetishes.

Dr. Gerda Harm, M.D. is a registered sexual genius with specialties in humilation of the male, hypnosis, fetish-installation, and sperm extraction.

Professor Hitomi Kurosawa, PhD, is a professor of mathematics both at the School and Princeton University in the United States. Her hobbies included rope-binding and sexually enslaving men.