A special school with a special mission.

Dr. Hitomi Kurosawa, Head of Mathematics and Rope Binding

The Cumbrian School or just the “School” was founded in 1760 by the Duchess of Carlisle, Radica Haversham. She, a Russian transplant from the same area and demimonde that later produced Rasputin, met, seduced, and married her much older husband the duke in 1750. She was seventeen at the hour of her nuptials though legend had it she was several decades older.Though still a child it immediately became clear to the duke’s servants who ran the household.

For centuries, the School has adhered to Radica’s educational phiilosophy of training young men in the Art of Love rather than the Art of War. The Cult of Venus that she was a part of demands prodigious tithing of all its priest-aspirants. The School’s curicula is aimed at disabusing young men of the lie of Male Superiority. The School offers a rigorous program of sexual domination through the rigorous implementing of supernatually-enhanced orgasm (a Level 2 or 3 orgasm on the La Strange Scale). Through orgasm, various controlling fetishes will be installed in male students. They will be “bound” to the Cult through such techniques in order to make them better slaves of Venus.

Below is a snapshot of the School with its famous cherry blossoms in bloom.