Paul’s Arrival By Train, continued
A Searing Recollection of Love
[Note from the Headmistress: Paul’s physician will be referred to from this point forward as Dr. Julia ______. Unfortunately, she still has not recovered fully from her erotic seizure. We have attached this image of her, one of the hundreds she has sent to Paul during his stay at this School. We do so not out vindictiveness but for the protection of other young men of exceptional abilities. She has apparently set up an illegal medical practice in the United States for the purpose of seducing her young male patients! Please be on guard yet at the same time evince compassion at Julia’s plight. Her mind is not her own any longer.]
It was her goody-two-shoes of a male nurse who had caught them in flagrante. Bitch that he was he alerted security.
An uncomprehending Paul Sanborn was shuffled off to the dean of medicine’s office on the building’s top floor. His mother was summoned from the lobby. They wanted Mrs. Sanborn to sign a series of indemnifying releases but she would have none of it. She quickly ushered her son out of the offices. This was a month before the invitation from the Cumbrian School, as it was unofficially called, arrived. Even now, he couldn’t help wondering if there was a connection between these events. His mom said no but his kooky Aunt Zelda had taken him aside and said that he was the chosen of Pan, the demon god of lust.
“Pan’s a good god,” she told him reassuringly. “Overall. But you better watch out,” she said. You need instruction about how to control your lust aura. We are all uprooted lily pads floating on the ocean of desire. Desire is what makes life worth living but desire can also enslave and madden and even kill. Those that Pan has chosen to be his acolytes are invested with great power, with great opportunity,” Zelda said. “You need instructions on such matters, Paul. You need to be taken in hand quickly before it’s too late! Not only for you but your mom too!”
He didn’t know what she meant by this last part. But considering its kooky source he didn’t take the warning so seriously. Upon seeing Sandy’s flushed face in the carriage and her daughter’s confused excitement Paul started to wonder if there wasn’t something to it. Maybe not in the mystical terms Aunt Zelda conceptualized but in a more science-based paradigm. Hard to say how it had come about, but Paul Sanborn at age eighteen was a lady’s man. He stammered slightly, was inarticulate even for a teenager, and irrationally shy but women of all stripes seemed to go for him. Some even became obsessed by him. His doctor according to his mom had lost her license and her family but supposedly she was trying to contact Paul. The Sanborn’s had to take a restraining order out against her. Thinking about this as he collected his luggage, Paul couldn’t help feeling slightly guilty. He had done nothing wrong, but he was still slightly guilty. Slightly guilty and supremely excited.
He wanted desperately to be laid. He wondered if this ability, if that’s even what it was, once mastered would help him out.
The Cumbrian School was all-male, and he didn’t swing that way. Thankfully men were (at least thus far) entirely indifferent to his charms. If not, a nightmare of constant sexual harassment in the showers awaited him. But mom and dad (and even Aunt Zelda who clearly had some hand in his surprise acceptance) wouldn’t have allowed that to happen. At least he didn’t think they would allow it. Perhaps they hadn’t considered the matter as deeply as Paul would have liked. His mother had never told his father about the incident with the doctor and Paul wondered how much he knew about it. He had never had a conversation about sex with an adult in his life. He assumed he was being sent to a cloistered all-male environment as some sort of protection not some sort of punishment. He assumed the Cumbrian School was as good as advertised. He would have to deal with his blue balls on his own from now. Obsessed as he was by the subject he conceptualized sex as some sort of vortex even whose farthest edge it was best to avoid. He was still too timid to apply himself in getting laid. He was frightened about what would happen, but he certainly wouldn’t have minded being raped a time or two like it had been his MILF doctor’s intent to do just before she got caught.
Paul Sanborn was obsessed with sex. That is, he was obsessed far more than any normal teenaged boy was obsessed. He thought about sex night and day. He jerked off every night and sometimes even during the day at school. Back in Ohio, his tight package of a science teacher who, perhaps sensing her male students’ desires, would occasionally wear something revealing to class would constantly induce Paul to masturbate. He begged that the lab portion of the class would start early so at least he could press his raging erection against the lab table in an attempt to hide it. Almost always on these days he would develop a spontaneous need to go to the bathroom and beg for a hall pass. If on those increasingly frequent days when the science teacher would openly flirt with Paul and ask his opinion after a particular perfume or shampoo her husband had bought her for Christmas by leaning in and asking him to sniff he would invariably need to be excused. He suspected she knew exactly what his teacher was doing to him because on the last occasion she had impishly written the hall pass before walking over to his lab table and briefly attempt to sit in Paul Sanborn’s lap while he was still standing. Once Paul grabbed the pass he sprinted down the hall with hands in front of his crotch. He made it to the final stall of the nearby men’s room pulled down his jeans and distended briefs and exploded against the graffiti-stained wall at the first instance he touched himself. At that moment he was obsessed with his science teacher, so mad with lust for her that he would have done anything to be with her. He wanted to bury his nose in her beautiful black hair from behind while grinding his diamond hard cock against her hot ass. He wanted kiss the nape of her neck and grab her heavy tits from behind and caress them then kiss them, then kiss her stomach and use his tongue to trail down her belly until her heavenly cleft was encountered. Something about her told him she was fully shaved. At least he hoped that she was. He had never eaten pussy before, but he thought he could be good at it eventually. He was an especially sensitive boy and seemed to know what others were thinking and feeling almost instinctively. He always knew just what to say. The teacher was openly flirting with Paul as because for several months Paul almost unconsciously was flirting with her. He wasn’t shy around his teachers like he was his peers. He smiled radiantly at his science teacher before every class and earned straight A’s. He was always leaving notes for his teacher in her office. Sometimes the notes had nothing to do with a given assignment. He was trapped by her, actually. He wouldn’t have dreamed that—tearfully sometimes and excitedly sometimes— she was confiding to the school therapist that she was trapped by him. She never revealed Paul’s name as she was fearful that they might remove him from her class. She had already decided on a course of action with him just before he transferred schools. There was an overnight trip to Chicago that she would be taking with her top students in two weeks. She had already arranged that her room would have a connecting door to Paul’s.
She did not take the news of Paul’s overseas scholarship well. Her whereabouts were presently unknown. Her husband, the last person to see her, reported a severe depression in his wife starting the day after Paul left for England.
Jerking off four times a day seemed to have little effect on his libido. Nowadays he was obsessed with women of almost every body type from ages fourteen to sixty. Nowadays his impromptu hard-ons were so common that he started wearing two layers of underwear to keep his aroused pecker from staining the outside of his jeans every day. He didn’t believe anything was wrong with him. His internist, prior to her attempted raping of him, agreed. She said he was perfectly healthy albeit with a slightly higher amount of testosterone than was normal for a boy his age. Problems with wanting to fuck literally every waking hour only occurred when there was no one to fuck every waking hour, she said. His solutions were always centered on supply rather than demand. The more demand he thought the better as it would invariably increase supply. He didn’t waver in his suspicion that there was a hidden lothario within him. Merely he needed to find the exact words to use and the courage to use them when looking a girl in the eye. He was heartened by the fact that the opposite sex by-and-large considered him attractive. Maybe the girls he’d meet in life wanted him to hit on them. He could always claim it was all a misunderstanding later he supposed. He assumed at the Cumbrian School, however, that libidinous opportunities would be few and far between.